Patching 101

Survival Guide for Patching Babies

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Patching a baby's eye can be a challenging and emotional experience for both parents and their little ones. That's why we created this survival guide, to provide you with helpful tips and insights to navigate the journey. Understanding the Process When patching a baby's eye, it's important to understand that you are covering the eye that they rely...

Navigating Patching at School

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Patching at school can be a unique challenge, both for the little ones and the parents trying to ensure a smooth experience. Here's our guide to making patching a positive and inclusive part of the school day.

Celebrating Curious Eyes

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Amblyopia (am-blee-OH-pee-uh) is one of the most common vision problems in children and it is often referred to as "lazy eye" because of the reduced vision in one eye. Here at Speckles we want to change this language and teach kids that their eye is NOT lazy... its just curious.  Here's our top reasons why!

10 Activities To Do While Patching!

Zoe Drew 0 Comments

Keeping your little one cool, calm and collected while patching can be a struggle as their brain can no longer rely on the stronger eye and must work extra hard to see. There are a huge range of activities your child can do while patching such as arts, crafts, reading, cooking, learning an...