Meet our Patchers

Meet Zara 👏

Keana Fat 0 Comments

Meet Zara! 👏 At only 5 weeks old, Zara underwent eye surgery to remove her unilateral cataract in her right eye. A cataract is the clouding of the lens which blocks light and therefore the brain is unable to receive a clear image from that eye.

Meet Lika 👏

Keana Fat 0 Comments

Meet Lika! 👏 Lika is now 4 years old and has already shown great improvement with her vision in just a span of 2 months! 🙌

Meet Millie 👏

Keana Fat 0 Comments

Meet Millie!! 🤩 Millie is almost 3 and has been patching for 6 months now. Millie was diagnosed with intermittent exotropia, a condition in which there are times when one eye has drifted outwards and other times when the eyes are straight.

Meet Josie 👏

Keana Fat 0 Comments

Make way for this week's little patcher, Josie! 🤩🎉