Meet our Patchers

Meet Poppy 👏

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Poppy is four years old and lives in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Miss Poppy wears her eye patch for two hours a day at preschool, with her Mum, Patty, popping one on before she drops her off. 

Meet Layla 👏

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  Layla is one and a half years old and was born with Persistent Fetal Vasculature (PFV) (also called persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV)) and Congenital Cataracts.   This brave little girl had her first surgery at only six weeks old and secondary surgery for scar tissue at four months old 😮...

Meet Jax 👏

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Jax is four and a half years old and has been patching since January 2021 (just shy of his 2nd birthday). This little champion takes it upon himself to put on his patch every day, with little to no fuss! 🙌 Apparently the toughest decision for Jax each day is which design to...

Meet Max 👏

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Max is 6 years old and started patching for 2 hours a day in August after being diagnosed with Amblyopia. His mum, Emily, says he likes to spend his patch time drawing on the road with chalk, building forts with their play couch and jumping on pillows with his brother. He also...

Meet Elle 👏

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Elle is 3 years old and is very new to patching and wearing glasses. Her mum Sian says "She’s still getting used to it but loves picking out which pretty patch to wear". Way to go Elle! We can't wait to watch you on your vision journey ❤️

Meet Lydia 👏

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Lydia is one and a half and has Macular Coloboma, a rare eye condition where there is an underdeveloped area in the central part of the retina. This means she will be patching for a long time to come. Her mum, Sarah said, "we like to spend our patching time at the...

Meet Aiya 👏

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Aiya is four years old and was diagnosed with Anisohypermetropia (a vision condition where one eye has a significantly different level of farsightedness than the other eye) and accommodative esotropia (a vision condition where one eye turns inwards), resulting in Amblyopia in her left eye.